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warmly welcomes you!

We are delighted you are here.

No matter what journey you have courageously navigated, no matter what has led you here, we’d like you to know that the act of reaching out for help is a deeply courageous act. You see, most of us are conditioned to present a brave face, appear tough, keep pushing forward. Not only does our culture have little compassion for our struggle, but it often labels it as “weakness”. It teaches us to suppress those challenging emotions, resist them, tone them down, or worse, distract ourselves from them altogether.

Yet we know that what we resist persists. So, we'd like to reassure you. You may not know it in this present moment, but you are in a fortunate position.

From where you are sitting at this precise moment, you may be thinking: Are you kidding me? I’d give anything NOT to be here!

We TOTALLY get it. Like you, we were once in your shoes.

Here’s the thing: You are not your present circumstances. Neither are you your temporary life situations.


These circumstances that are currently challenging you are what we refer to as ‘sacred crises’. They represent golden opportunities for transformation. They are precious doorways through which profound change can occur. They are windows of opportunity gifting you with the possibility of MORE joy, peace, light, love, and good than you EVER imagined possible.

Truly, our difficult circumstances are blessings in disguise. Why? Because they invite us to deepen into WHO we are in our truest essence. As we stretch ourselves and grow, we develop more self-respect, self-love, empathy, compassion, and resiliency than we ever knew possible. Net result? We become happier, healthier, and more prosperous versions of ourselves. At Healing Works, we get to witness this time and time again.

We believe in helping you harness the power that your sacred crisis is uniquely offering you. Armed with extensive professional experience, a wealth of knowledge, and tools, as well as a fervent belief in your inner wisdom ~ we support you in re-kindling your joy, inner peace, health, sense of hope, and optimism. ​We would be honoured to work with you if you are: (i) aware of the need to heal wounds associated with ancestral trauma (i.e., abuse, addiction, grief, loss, and shame) and (ii) committed to embarking upon a regenerative healing and transformative journey.

May we invite you to pour yourself a piping hot cuppa of your favorite concoction, as you meander about our website? Thank you for visiting us. We look forward to  hearing how we may assist you!

In Healing Light & Love,
Grant & Annik

Together, healing happens!

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